DC Artistic
What draws you to creating art in your chosen medium?
I like to use charcoal and acrylic mainly. I love how much i can manipulate the charcoal and it works well with acrylic colours.
Does the area in which you live, influence your work?
Yes definitely, i'm from a rundown area and spent a lot of time on the streets. Had i grown up in a different area i think my work would be a lot different.
Where do you draw inspiration from?
I would say powerful psychology and music along with my favourite artists.
Do you listen to any favourite music, radio or podcasts while working in the studio?
Every piece of art i create i will listen to music. Mainly hiphop,grime and garage music. Although i like some classical piano music. I like to stand up when i work and find myself dancing sometimes.
If you could invite three artists or art influencers to dinner who would they be?
Christian hook, Richard Hambleton and definitely Jean Michel Basquiat.
What drew you to exhibit at the Watergate Street Gallery – do you have a criteria for choosing the galleries where you would like to show your work?
A fellow artist mentioned the gallery to me and after visiting the site i love the place and the staff are very friendly. Some of the work on show amazed me.